Computer Vision Metrics - Intersection over Union (IoU)

Photo by Panos Sakalakis on Unsplash

In this blog, we will discuss an evaluation metric commonly used in the computer vision object detection problem - Intersection over Union (IoU). If you want to know more about evaluation metrics used in classification problems in machine learning, please refer to my previous blog - Classification Metrics.

Object Detection

Object detection is a computer vision technique to identify and locate objects in an image or a video. This technique could be used to count the number of objects in an image, track an object in a scene, etc. Irrespective of the machine learning technique used to implement object detection by predicting bounding boxes, it is evaluated using a metric known as Intersection over Union commonly abbreviated as IoU.

To evaluate any object detector, we need:

  1. Predicted bounding box - The output from an object detector in the form of a bounding box (set of x,y coordinates)
  2. Ground-truth bounding box - The labelled bounding box (set of x,y coordinates) from the data set indicating where exactly the object is in the image.

The figure 1 below shows the predicted bounding box (red rectangle) and the ground-truth bounding box (green rectangle) for a bicycle in the image.

Bounding box predicted by a typical object detector

IoU is defined as:

IoU = Areaoverlap ÷ Areaunion

such that

IoU = Areaoverlap ÷ Areaunion

0 ≤ IoU ≤ 1

where Areaoverlap is shown in figure 2 (blue hatch).

Area of Overlap (blue hatched region)

Areaunion is shown in figure 3.

Total bounding box area (Area union)

More the area of overlap, better the object detector. An IoU score > 0.5 is considered as a “good” prediction. Figure 4 shows a visual comparison of a poor, good and excellent IoU scores.

Visual comparison of various IoU scores


In this post, we discussed about commonly used evaluation metric in object detection problems - Intersection over Union. Stay tuned for a python implementation of a custom object detector.

Have you got any questions or feedback? I would love to hear from you.

Written on November 9, 2020